Stewart J. Levin, Attorney At Law

Stewart J. Levin, Attorney At Law

The Lawyer
Mr. Levin has been in active practice as a member of the California State Bar for more than three decades. Mr. Levin has given numerous presentations on litigation topics to lawyers and lay persons.  Mr. Levin was an invited speaker to lawyers at a seminar sponsored by CEB, Continuing Education of the Bar, on Financial Elder Abuse Litigation. The Elder Law Section of the Beverly Hills Bar Association had Mr. Levin give a presentation on his litigation experiences and insights based upon his many years actually litigating and resolving cases. In January 2016, Mr. Levin taught a clinical trial practice course as a Professor of Law teaching trial skills to law students and psychiatrists in a UCLA-Southwestern Law School course. As a result of litigation and trial involving cases handled by Mr. Levin, significant changes in the care of cognitively impaired adults and the elderly have occurred in at least two major care institutions in Southern California.

Mr. Levin obtained his undergraduate degree at UC Santa Barbara, where he was selected to serve as a student representative of the U.S. State Department in Asia. He is a graduate of University of Oregon Law School.

Mr. Levin is uniquely suited to litigate cases involving the elderly, which often involve a blend of civil and probate litigation, including financial fraud, trust contests, breach of fiduciary duty, isolation, negligence, and elder abuse. During the first half of his legal career, Mr. Levin handled a variety of litigation cases, including personal injury, products liability, wrongful death, child abuse, and U.S. Tax Court cases. Approximately 15 years ago, Mr. Levin began litigating elder neglect and abuse cases. Since that time, Mr. Levin's practice has evolved to focus on elder abuse, financial elder abuse, trust estate litigation, and professional malpractice. Mr. Levin has resolved numerous cases in court and binding arbitration, and has drafted winning appeals in his practice areas.